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Identity Statement

Beverly Hills Baptist Church

Asheville, NC 28805

Who We Are

  1. We are a church that seeks to separate ourselves from church politics in an age of political volatility. 
  2. We are a Southern Baptist Church, supporting the missionary, education and benevolent ministries of the Convention through the Cooperative Program, designated offerings, and personal involvement.
  3. Our adopted statement of faith, in addition to the Bible, is the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message. 
  4. Our worship style marks us as a traditional Baptist church, with hymnals, a (fantastic) choir, an emphasis on the importance and relevance of scripture, challenging sermons that focus on Jesus as Savior and Lord of our lives and opportunities to respond to the call of God on our lives.  
  5. We celebrate the gifts and calling of all people, without regard to gender, and encourage men and women to answer the call to serve the church as deacons, teachers, and through other leadership positions. 
  6. We seek to serve the community where God has planted us, understanding that community may sometimes need to be defined in narrow terms, and sometimes the definition needs to be as broad as the "ends of the earth".
  7. We recognize that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, so that none of us can cast a stone in judgment of another person - we can only seek to help others experience forgiveness for sin from Christ who died for all. 
  8. We recognize the competency of the soul before God to read and interpret the scriptures, and understand that we will not all arrive at the same conclusions or interpretations, and that is okay.
  9. We are an evangelical body of believers who seek loving ways to share our faith in Jesus Christ. 
  10. We are committed to be the body of Christ, because that is who Christ is calling us to be. 
  11. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the son of the Living God: we have been saved by grace through our faith in him, and we affirm that faith publicly through baptism. 
  12. We believe in a loving God who has created all that is and this God is personally and intimately interested in our lives. 
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