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WEE Mission

The Beverly Hills Baptist Church Weekday Early Education (WEE) Program is a Christian ministry to preschoolers, toddlers, infants, and their families. Our primary purpose is to provide developmentally appropriate care and opportunities for young children to grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically and as persons created by God. We do so by providing planned developmental and learning experiences, fostering a Christian atmosphere of love and acceptance and modeling Christian behavior.



  • Lay a distinctively Christian foundation for each child by nurturing such qualities as love, trust, and being valued by God.
  • Provide a sound and appropriate beginning in basic teachings of Christian faith consistent with the beliefs of Beverly Hills Baptist Church (including God, Jesus, Bible, natural world, self, others, family, and church).
  • Prepare the preschool child for entry into Kindergarten through development of reading readiness, writing, (eye-hand coordination), and math (number recognition, sorting, sequencing, etc.).
  • Aid in school readiness through development of classroom cooperation, daily routine, self-help skills, sharing ideas, accepting non-parental authority figures, and respecting the rights of others.



The Weekday Early Education (WEE) Program is operated as a non-profit ministry of Beverly Hills Baptist Church according to the standards established by the church and is supported primarily by the registration and tuition fees from enrolled children. WEE has two components: a preschool program is available for two-, three-, and four-year-olds. A Mother's Morning Out is provided for babies and toddlers. Both components are offered Monday-Friday, from 9 am to 1 pm during the school year. Our program follows the Buncombe County Schools schedule, including holidays and snow days.



We believe that preschoolers learn through their play and that play is their work. Preschoolers learn through activities involving books, blocks, nature materials, creative materials, pictures, home living centers and music. All children are encouraged to express themselves, investigate, and learn through

  • Group Living
  • Creative Experiences
  • Language Experiences
  • Excursions / Field Trips
  • Music Experiences
  • Indoor and Outdoor Play
  • Health and Safety Education
  • Math, Science, and other Curriculum Areas
  • Decision Making
  • Problem Solving
  • Spiritual Awareness



Preschool and Mother's Morning Out Programs

9:00 am until 12:00 noon or 9:00 am until 1:00 pm

Children are not to be in the classrooms until 9:00 am.

Children are to be picked up by 1:00 pm.



Becky Morrison, Director




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